Sunday 29 September 2024



I was thinking this morning... It was in May of 1991, a few months before we graduated as microbiologists from the University of Benin. It was about 10 a.m., and the next lecture was not until an hour later. While some strayed out to grab a bite, most of us stayed back in the MCB lab to gist and prepare for the next class.

In our small group, gisting were Quice, Akeem, Osaretin, Rosemary, Robert, Steve, myself, and a few others. We couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and relief. "Only a few more months, and we all will be graduates!" Someone exclaimed. The rest of us nodded vigorously as we discussed the field of microbiology each person will major on.

While someone said food and beverage, setting his thoughts on Cadbury and Nestle, another was more interested in medical microbiology. "For me, it's environmental microbiology. I have to work with one of the oil companies in my community," I chipped in confidently. Our chatter and occasional laughter filled the MCB lab, as we counted down the days until graduation. A few months later, we graduated with fanfare. Standing at this junction of life, we strolled into real life, everyone in a different direction.

Thirty-three (33) years later, last week, four of us in that group met at the Pickle Barrel Restaurant in Toronto. The first time we would be together since that conversation we had as budding Microbiologists at Uniben. We hugged and gisted, looking back on how far we've come in the journey of life.

Though we started with the same background as Microbiologists, we are today worlds apart career wise. One of us is an executive in pension management. Another retired from the US Army. Yet another majored in Health and Safety in Oil and Gas in Nigeria. Only one of the four is working as a microbiologist. Wow! We had similar plans, but life differentiated us.

Studying for a first degree most often brings people to a common platform or junction. That is where it ends. What happens thereafter is at the instance of life. The direction each person goes is not always in our hands. Life happens to everyone and drags us to places and fields we seldom expect. There are as many paths in life as the over 6 billion people on earth. Each person's path is different. Have faith in God, stay the course, and be grateful for wherever you find yourself. 1st Thessalonians 5:18.

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

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