Sunday 15 September 2024


I was thinking this morning..... sometime ago, I received disappointing news that really weighed me down. It hung like a heavy log on my mind for days. I struggled to shake off the darkness that seemed to have settled over me. I might be smiling one minute and immediately become gloomy at the thought of the situation.

I was praying and asking why me one morning, when I remembered the common slang in Nigeria, 'last last everybody go chop breakfast.' I recalled those words not in the way it is usually used but more like telling me that everyone in life goes through one disappointment or another at some point in their life. It is not new that you are disappointed or you failed. Someone else just went through the same or worse ordeal, and you didn't even know about it.

The smiling rich friend you see today might have gone through a heavy disappointment yesterday. Someone burdened by a painful disappointment of childlessness, failed relationship, business failure, or job loss today will most certainly be smiling tomorrow when someone else's heart is heavy from a disappointing event. Life is a leveller. 

As long as you are in this world, life will happen to you. Some mild, some heavy, but the good news is that God has engraced us to go through all. Raise your head, square your shoulders, and walk with hope because disappointment is not a badge of honour you display for everyone to see.

Your outlook in life determines how you handle disappointment. Life is like a garden. Sometimes, it blooms beautifully, and sometimes it withers. But with every season, there is always hope for renewal and growth. Therefore, don't get overwhelmed by disappointment or fazed by challenges. Like someone said, 'Don’t be scared when you face CHALLENGE, it's only a bus stop in Ibadan.' Nothing can be truer. Ibadan people, oye!

1st Peter 4:12 says, "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you." Remember, challenge is only a bus stop, not just in Ibadan but in life.

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

Sunday 8 September 2024


I was thinking this morning..... It was a regular Sunday. The service had just ended, and we were having FAF (fellowship after fellowship) just outside the auditorium when a middle-aged woman walked over, asking to see me. Her eyes were filled with a mix of hope and desperation. 'God bless you, Pastor,' She said, with her voice trembling slightly. 'My name is Maria. I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment.' 'God bless you too,' I responded as I took her aside. 'How may I be of help?' I asked.

Maria took a deep breath before launching into her story. "It's about my daughter, Adesua. She finished secondary school two years ago and has been trying to get into the university. But we're having trouble with the admission process. We don't know who to meet to help, and I'm worried we'll miss the deadline again."

I nodded sympathetically, recognizing the stress and uncertainty etched on her face. "I'm not sure if I can be of help, but tell Adesua to call me," I said as I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. Days later, Adesua called. I got more information about her choice of university, and we made a few calls. With the help of God, Adesua got admitted.

Months later, Maria called again. This time, she was worried about the possibility of Adesua dropping out of school because they were unable to raise the money to pay her fees. Adesua reached out, and we made a commitment to help with the fees until she graduated. Years later, I referred a friend's daughter seeking admission in the same university to Adesua, who was in her final year at the time. To my chagrin, Adesua did not only decline to assist, she told the young lady we didn't really do much for her. That all she got was by her hard work.

Really? After helping with her admission and paying her tuition for 3 years, Adesua said we didn't really assist. Wow! Adesua, why? We were disappointed and almost regretted helping Adesua. I learnt a lesson never to regret showing kindness to those who may not appreciate it. Not everyone you assist will appreciate it. The fact that your good deed is not appreciated does not make it less of what it is - kindness. Alway remember that your good deed reflects who you are and must be unto God. Keep being kind, whether it is appreciated or not. Remember Galatians 6:9.

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

Sunday 1 September 2024


I was thinking this morning.... I woke up early last Thursday, had my quiet time, and commenced preparation to leave for the office. After dressing up in my spiffy new outfit, I put my charger and reading glasses in my bag and zipped it up. I looked around the bed and shelf to be sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I got into my car and zoomed off.

I was in the office within 10 minutes, parked in my usual spot, and got out my bag and access card. It was a short walk to the first floor where my office was located. As I walked into my office, I got out my laptop, reading glasses and charger. I connected the laptop to the desktop monitor and powered it on. Next was plugging the charger into wall socket, placing my notepad to the right of my desk, and taking my seat.

I took a deep breath as I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Delete on my laptop to kick-start my day. The login page appeared, and I entered my login details with the next step being to approve login on my phone. I reached out to get my phone but couldn't find it. I checked my pockets and emptied my bag but it wasn't there. Yea! Na so I take know say I forget my phone for house.

As I dashed out of the office for the 7-minute drive back home, I remembered a conversation on the radio the day before where a lady had got social media talking about how she knew she was getting married. She had written, 'My partner called me one evening and said, I have taken my leave for July and will be going to see your parents. Just like that. Na so I take know say I wan marry o.'

Many have been strung along into marriage by what they thought was genuine. Shortly after the wedding, they started seeing a completely different person. Na so dem take know say dem don enter one chance.

Sometimes, life does not give you a clear and direct message. You will have to deduce it from the prevailing events, words, or tone. It is important to be sensitive and alive to goings on around us. Many have realised too late that danger was lurking around. As we begin the Ember months, I am trusting that your target for this year is still on track because Proverbs 6:10 says, 'Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep, na so you go take know say poverty don dey come.'

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy New Month!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey