Sunday 25 August 2024


I was thinking this morning.... I woke up this morning reflecting on the looming deadline for me to pay another school fee before the beginning of the September session. 'Na wa o! When will this school fees project end?' I soliloquised. I did a mental calculation to estimate the end date and was relieved to know it isn't far off. Then it dawned on me, educating your child(ren) is like pregnancy.

To conceive, nurse, and deliver a baby requires a high level of love, commitment, and discipline. I remember a period when my dad was out of a job and had zero source of income. He did not as much as suggest that we drop out of school. He went as far as borrowing just to ensure we continued with our education. There are some that have terminated their pregnacies just because they lost their source of finance to care for the pregnancy. It takes a deep commitment to see a pregnancy through. Educating your child is like pregnancy.

There was a time when my dad had exhausted all his credit lines and could no longer borrow. We thought it was over, but not yet. My mum, who also sold out to the ideals of educating the children, started selling off her Judge and Singles wrappers so we could continue schooling. Some ladies have resorted to aborting their babies because their partners or support system abandoned them. Don't tell me school na scam. School na pregnancy.

The good news is that for every pregnancy, there is an EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery). Sometimes, the EDD is passed, and the labour pain is severe, but thinking of the joy of holding your baby gives one the strength to keep pushing. For as many that may be struggling with paying of school fees, be encouraged. Like a difficult pregnancy or false labour pain, bear it because the EDD is near.

My parents gave their all to educate us, and today they are resting. I am doing my very best to educate my children, and my eyes are set on the EDD, by the grace of God (BTGOG). As we approach another school fees week, keep pushing and faint not because it won't be long. Your EDD will come. Galatians 6:9 says, 'And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.' Toiling to pay your children school fees is a good thing. Do not faint.

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

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